Sunday, September 12, 2010


Meg came home from a day of teaching this week in which she participated in this program with her High School kids...her excitement and enthusiasm bubbled and bubbled and bubbled out and was like almost physically much so I have not been able to let it out of MY head. It's like her experience was a blanket and just wrapped itself around me. Thought if you hadn't heard of it, you might want to check it out...just google it...I SO want ALL my kids to go...I'm going to make sure that they put SAM on the list...I am going to try to go myself as well just to "be apart" of that kind of group consciousness!! The phrase they use in the program is
IF YOU REALLY KNEW ME ... This particularly has been going round and round inside me...wondering if others REALLY KNEW ME how they'd feel . Part of me smirks thinking how I like to KID myself into thinking others don't really KNOW whats going on inside of me, while knowing that I just ooze myself everywhere and its not like you can COVER UP ooze. But even I manage not to let it ALL drip out.
Living in the middle of such a strong Mormon culture has so many benefits for a spiritual foundation. I believe we ALL need a foundation of GOODNESS and desire for RIGHT and LOVE. But sometimes being apart of this "tribe" feels uncomfortable when my own inner feelings of truth don't necessarily align with theirs.

but.... IF YOU REALLY KNEW'd know that a revolution has been raging inside me for quite awhile now over WHAT IS TRUTH and what is RIGHT...and I am currently in deep relief realizing that I KNOW what truth is from the inside, that WHAT IS "RIGHT"--for me-- changes and is a continuing paradox, and now I want to live with what I know in grace, sweetness and kindness to myself and others, and one day soon be able to completely lay down the yoke of judgment and let my TRUE self just LOVE and continue learning...I have such a fierce warrior type side of me that I would like to let take a rest. I want to let the "I'm AWESOME and SO ARE YOU" heart take that place. It's true...if you really knew me, you'd know.


Gene and Sheri Family said...

I love all of YOU! Even the parts you maybe haven't let ooze out yet! :)

MontelloOffGrid said...

My true religion, my simple faith is in love and compassion. There is no need for complicated philosophy, doctrine, or dogma. Our own heart, our own mind, is the temple. The doctrine is compassion. Love for others and respect for their rights and dignity, no matter who or what they are - these are ultimately all we need. -Dalai Lama

MontelloOffGrid said...

I'm pretty sure you've heard and/or posted this one before...

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field.
I will meet you there. ~rumi

When you get to the field, please throw me a you!!!