Sunday, April 5, 2009

Conference Sunday

Crazy Jeremy put the egg dye in his mouth and stained his teeth! Only a Dr.!!! We had Dad's birthday dinner today since he was in Brazil on his birthdday. My favorite Egg of the day I think was Michael's that I tried to show here that said..."your MOMMA was a CHICKEN":) Can you tell that Elle's favorite color is PURPLE? I wish you could have seen her fingers when she was done! Wish I had a picture! We decorated eggs while listening to Conference.
I had a SWEET FUN call from a CONNIE HARRIS that met you in Arusha Josh....she said you were and absolute DELIGHT! She said she was so thrilled to have run into you and been able to have breakfast with you. She said you were adorable and I assured her you ARE...I told her I prayed her there and THANKED HER for FEEDING you!!!! They are going back in January...IF you are still there she said she'd deliver a package for me. I am awed at her love and enthusiasm for Africa. It made me wonder if you wished I was more like her. Well, I'm not. I still just like HOME best!!! But, you can always marry someone who is more like her. But since YOU are already the ADVENTURER...maybe you want to balance yourself out??? You have plenty of time to figure all that out.
It has been a nice slow and easy day...missed you. I imagine that you are watching a delayed broadcast of not at all...????
Michael is going to Florida to work for the summer. I am a bit envious...but he will be in Miami--I have no love for Miami, but Melrose is on the way!!! Matt Matheson will drive with him there so he doesn't have to road trip it across the country alone. He'll be gone all summer. He is hoping to make the big bucks....I am tempted...He'll be with Pinnacle Security. He'll sell and Matt will install.
I've thought alot about your companion situation with the money....I think you are handling it PERFECTLY! What great marriage prep! Communication is a big key---you are a fantastic communicator and this will only help hone your skills. I wish I could be a fly on the wall to hear you. Let the love gush while you firmly hold your truth. :)
When is the next time you get packages? 3 weeks from now?
Graham is still on his oxygen, but off all his meds...hoping to get him on Oxygen nights only in the next week...little by little.
As you can see, Spencer buzzed his head this week. The cat is bringing me dead mice and placing them on the door step. My close for this month has been delayed until the 28th...but other deals looking possible. Megan planning another cruise. Sam's games have all been cancelled due to all the dang snow.
I love you. Not much new this week. I LOVED putting your package together. I hope you can get it as fast as the last one. If the other Valentine's package doesn't make it, I still won't be too've gotten 4 of 5 right? Not so bad for what I originally imagined! You just tell me what you want and I will figure out how to get it there.
I LOVE YOU, I love you, I LOVE ya....BIG....hoping you are smiling RIGHT NOW and that you are HAPPY!!!!

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