Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Loved AGAIN!!!

GrandDad FINALLY LOVES ME AGAIN!!!!! He was HAPPY today...he really wants me to come.. ..he said I could stay for 2 weeks if I wanted cause you know it can be lonely up there and I should bring the boys! Well, not sure if or when I'm going back ---but the huge relief is that he WANTS me back and is talking to me again. He apologized to me for being an 'ignorant, stubborn, selfish individual" and that he can now see that I really do love him. "what is past is past and we won't mention it again, I PROMISE...just think about a visit." He listed the house again....(way too high), hasn't had a nose bleed in 24 days (yes, he counts) thinks he should re roof the garage, took Olive to lunch yesterday and to the Dr's with him, went to the last 2 dances---is sad the Clinton dances are so far and go so late---he won't drive that far in the dark anymore, but those are his favorites. (He's been pulled over twice now outside of Clinton on the way home and I think its more his fear of their taking his liscene)If and when I go I'll have to plan around a Clinton Dance for him. God knew I needed him to make things right for me to feel at peace. Love really does conquer all. So HAPPY It is flowing freely both ways again.


Gene and Sheri Family said...

So good to hear!!!!

Jeremi said...

I knew he would come around, he is a good, kind man!