Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tracy and Baby Morgan's Baby Shower

Tracy is due 2 weeks for today. We had a shower here for her tonight and it was SO FUN!!! We LOVE this woman! We can barely wait for Baby Morgan to get here...I'm betting she has red hair like her Momma. I got to use my outdoor chandlier again...Man I could like Martha Stewart's job....our yard is just screaming with roses and everyother thing...I've never been so thrilled. The front looks like one of those Robert Kincade paintings that I don't usually like cause I think they look fake with so many flowers--it really CAN happen! (Most)All our favorite friends were there and a NEW one who will have to love us now because she is ours forever we liked her so much..Sarah Fryer. It felt like I'd known her years.I feel so content..just Living my favorite friends with my favorite food in my favorite place ...ALL IS WELL IN MY WORLD!!!!

1 comment:

Kath said...

Your yard is beautiful! You reap what you sew, in this yard. Lots of hard playing, sure made the difference.

Love you!