Saturday, July 17, 2010


After reading Neville Goddard and listening to Wayne Dyer and having a whole year of the Mutual theme AS A MAN heart and mind are CONVINCED that it really IS TRUE...We become, and we attain what we THINK about and hope for...OBVIOUSLY the pool is TOTALLY a dream come true for me. I wanted to post the graph paper back yard sketch I have had up on my office wall for over 10 years now...and then the pool picture I taped to my desk in February so I could see it all times while I am working. I can't tell you how many times that little picture would just make me many times I would stop and just FEEL myself submerged in MY pool surrounded by all the people I love just relaxing and enjoying...and now...its real. It's paid for in full. Dave Ramsey and Don are sad that I didn't put that money on the house...but I'm NOT. My heart is just OVERFLOWING with gratitude and AWE. Sometime soon I am going to replace this pool pic on my desk and take down the sketch. But first I want to be very careful about the choosing of the next dream....the next picture on my desk and walls.
ONE of my dreams/fantasies has been to be able to help make OTHER people's dreams come true. The first time I heard about the MAKE A WISH organization my whole soul just wanted to be apart of that. But then, I wanted to do it for EVERYONE and not just the dying. The energy around a dream coming true is so tangible and life altering. I am not sure what I am going to do with all that...I am still getting "CLEAR"....but in the meantime, I have started by gathering the dreams of those I love. Before you can swim in MY DREAM COME TRUE:), I ask that you think seriously and write down what your dream is...on these Butterfly note cards (symbolic of the CHANGES that can happen)...then I gather them in my DREAM BOOK. If you don't want to share your dream, you seal it in an envelope...but if you will share it, I just tape it in so others can read it too. You can laugh, but there is an energy to the book already. I am washed with HOPE and GOODNESS as I read the dreams. I LOVE that they are ALL so different. I LOVE that they are not about getting a million dollars...but about a mother of 5 getting a choral doctorate, a teenager desiring to become an attorney, another having a career in golf, a red convertible, becoming a successful model, adopting children from all over the world...
I jokingly say that when I win $132 million in the Idaho Poweball lottery I am going to start on page one and go as far as I can. The only joking part is that money really can't make most of these come true...but it CAN help get most of them on their way. How absolutely miraculous it is that our God/Universe gives US the opportunity to learn to manage the power of our own creation!!!! I want to imagine BETTER than the BEST I KNOW!!! Just having you in my life as examples is an amazing start. Even if you are too far away to come swim in MY dream come true...I'd be so THRILLED to have you send me YOUR dream for my book!!! Please? Or you could post it here in comments if you don't mind sharing and I will print it off and put it in my book :) :) :) :) :)

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