Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Robin on the hot tub

My heart is near to bursting. I can not NOT record this here. This is just another time when the heavens have visited me directly with a witness that is undeniable. Details are not needed on the specific issues, but I had a body talk session (google it if you don't know what it is-AMAZING at the least) last night where I am trying to move forward in my life in the direction of my TRUE self and release old unneeded energies  and embrace with love, grace and ease the new way that is best for me to move forward in taking care of myself and and the life I want to live here. With that said, the session was raw, direct and heart revealing,  and even though I could not deny any of the stuff that came up, I was wondering if I was up to the changes and if it was just mid life crisis and many other wonderings. Sooooo...I just asked the Heavens for a sign to KNOW if I am on the right path or if I am just being distracted or deceived.

This morning while meditating I opened my eyes...I NEVER open my eyes...I can't even think what made me open them now...but there, sitting on the edge of the hot tub, not 5 feet...maybe closer...I don't want to exaggerate...there was this Robin sitting there. When I gave him my attention he bobbed his head at me, I sat up taller and while I was doing so thought "oh, don't scare him away, can you believe this?" And then he bobbed at me again and just sat there. I said out loud. " Thank you for trusting me, thank you for this visit". He cocked his head and flew into the tree and sat there looking down at me. I finished meditating and he was still sitting there watching over me. When I went in to the house he flew away. After coming in, I thought he must be thirsty and wanted the water...but there were pools of water on the pool cover. The more I thought about it the more curious I became so I came in and goggled ROBIN....and here is the stuff you just can't MAKE UP--there are actual symbolic meanings and "totems" for different animals and birds.... these are excerpts from 3 different sites:

A Robin totem will stimulate new growth in all areas of your life.
Believe in yourself as you move forward.
Obstacles will fall by the wayside if you do and confrontations will be for show only.
This totem gives you the ability to will new growth into your life.
Meditate on Robin and the correct path will be revealed to you.

The robin brings a fresh new perspective to situations that are otherwise foggy and unclear. Try calling on robin energy for clarity when your judgment is clouded or when you need light shed on an issue.

Robin signifies stimulation of new growth and renewal in many areas of life. He teaches that any changes can be made with joy, laughter and a song in the heart. Robin shows how to ride the winds of passion within your heart and become independent through this change. Robin will teach you how to move forward with grace, tenacity, perseverance and assertion. Are you letting go of personal dramas? Ones that no longer serve your higher purpose? Are you exercising compassion and patience in mental, spiritual and emotional areas? Robin will teach how to incorporate new beginnings with faith and trust in the process. It is time to believe in yourself and use the inspiration that is given. Listen carefully. It is time sing your own song for a new period in life force abounds.


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