Sunday, January 8, 2012

 As you can see I've had a LOVELY time on Pinterest this week! Wanted these to print in my BLOG book for next year.

Leonard in his new home...look how adorable ADDIE is!!!

Well LOVE BUG...
I've had a great week with Josh being able to stay home until today. I feel bad I had to work so much, but its just so nice to have him here. Can't wait till I can say the same about you :)!!!!

Megs brought Casey the OTTER guy home for Sunday lunch today and he was funny. She's excited and planning her trip to Disney and Harry Potter World with her friends for April. She is super diligent with her Crossfit and excited that Bob on Biggest Loser is adding it to this season's workouts.
Michael is working his head off. Still not sure if he is starting school this week or not. He is pretty convinced he will moved to Seattle by Fall :(. His poor mototcycle accidentally got snowed on this weekend-barely. You know how bad I felt about that. Now its in the garage. Yes..MY GARAGE. That is MOTHER LOVE. He has been able to ride it for SO LONG with  no snow and the fairly warm temps. He is going to Vegas Feb.2nd for the live casting call of Survivor. Josh is going with him--they are going to try for a "brothers" spif---I told them to wait for you and Sam and then all 4 of you go. But then I really thought about it, and how CRAZY would I be with ALL FOUR of you out there hungry, cold, wet, bug bitten......???? No thank you!!!
Josh  got hired this week to drive buses in Alaska this summer...he will leave as soon as his finals are over in May. I am sad---the only good news is that he will come home most weekends starting in Feb. for training. He really has his heart set on Stanford. He is hoping to apply for a transfer this fall. He feels sure with a Stanford degree he could pick any med school. I think he should go to the University of Florida so I can come visit ALOT.

Sam's poster is up in the High School gym. Early Mornings for baseball start for him tomorrow. We are in the middle of getting the Banquet all planned and wrapped up. He's been dedicated at lifting and he is really getting buff. He LOVES it. If I touch his arm he automatically flexes :) He's asking Brynn Willis to Bargain Ball tonight. He has this assignment for Mythology where he has to create this mosaic that has taken HOURS and he still isn't done. He's at the kitchen table right now cutting and pasting itsy bitsy pieces of all kinds of paper, materials, etc...He is so diligent in his homework. Did you hear he got a 27 on the ACT? Now if we can just get him to finish his college applications!!!

The funerals were sweet. Kori spoke and was amazing...especially considering that she was Carli's second Mom. Michelle spoke as well and that might have been my favorite funeral ever...just LOVE filled. Bizarre how things come in threes. The Jackman's oldest boy's wife was expecting twins and delivered them both during all of this, they lived 3 days and then both died. So sad. I sold Jackman's home in Orem and then helped them buy one in the same stake so I was working with them through it all.

I got your temporary DL and it will be mailed in the morning so be looking for it. Hopefully it won't take long for your real one to get here.

Love you Buddy. Many times a day I wonder where you are and what you are doing and of course if you are eating  WELL!!!!! Sooooooo...for the Momma, will you eat well and BE HAPPY?

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