Thursday, January 31, 2008

Happy to feel so HAPPY

I woke up to run at 4 and just didn't want to...It was 9 degrees again and I didn't want to be I DIDN'T...and I don't even feel paranoid or sad...EVEN after 4 Krispy Kreme donuts yesterday:) That surely started the whole HAPPY HAPPY feeling thing... . I LOVE our YOung Women. They are so FUN to be with. New Beginnings went even better than I had hoped and the girls were grateful not to have another typical meeting. When they are allowed to relax they are so quick and whitty. We laughed the night away. Whitney Ware could be a stand up comic I'm sure. Our Bishop was ADORABLE as Alex Trebec. He really loosened up, the girls can't get enough of that. There was a sweet, loving feeling in the room throughout the whole night. I just feel so HAPPY...happy for me, happy for them, happy for my life, my kids, my opportunities on this planet...SO GRATEFUL!

And other HAPPY HAPPY FEELINGS...Yesterday I was working with a wealthy YOUNG landscaper on a commercial property and he knows how much I've ALWAYS wanted a should see HIS pool...right out of a resort think you're in Hawaii! Anyway, he looks at me as serious as serious and says, "Natalie, when are you going to take a pool as a commission, I think we should plan on this summer." My heart started beating a gazillion miles an hour because the possiblity FELT SO REAL....Of course that means I either have to SELL him something with that large of a commission OR I have to sell something for him that large...but, IT COULD HAPPEN...I've been humming and hunting ever since---and it hasn't even been 24 hours yet. IT COULD HAPPEN. Some of the sweetest things of my life have happend just in the last couple of months!!!! Geez...the last couple of days. I want quiet time to think about this law of attraction and why suddenly it seems to have opened itself up to me. Hello Law of attraction an WELCOME to my world.

1 comment:

kristen said...

Oooohhhh, you are infectious! I suddenly am having a better day too after reading about your's! Thanks for sharin' the LOOOVE.

and please note: if you acquire a pool in the next 12 months, I am moving in with you. no ifs, ands, or buts.

plus also, please figure out how to bottle that law of attraction you have attracted and mail it to me. I am ready. :)