Sunday, January 13, 2008

Missionary Michael

We got such a great package from Michael this week, and as always, my FAVORITE was his camera card. I'v downloaded his pictures to Photobucket if you're interested. There are almost 300 of them with a few video clips, if it's something only a mother could love and want to see....I don't feel a bit bad if you never go there. He IS beautiful though. And kind. And SMART. And funny. And a JOY to do chores with. And trivia fact filled. And a great singer. ANd Handsome. And musically talented...can play most anything he picks up. And dedicated. And a reader. And FUN. And. And. ANd....thousands of miles away.

To see the pictures, go to type in my login and password thingee..
NatalieHarris44 believe11
They aren't arranged nicely or in order, but it's the best I could figure out.ANd I got that far because of Aunt thanks Jer!!! I want blog lessons from Megan Tenney...check out her site and see how BEAUTIFUL it makes you WANT to click on all the stuff and look at the cool pictures. Oh have to click on Kristen's blog and check out the CHIN PEOPLE video they made New Year's Eve...I'll laugh! And we LOVE to LAUGH.

Sam has had horrible headaches for over a week. They think it has to do with a nasty snowbaording spill a week ago Saturday so he is scheduled for a CAT SCAN at 2:30 tomorrow. I'll update you later and let you say a prayer or two until then. Even as I type he is in there killing his brothers in HALO and not seeming so bad...but when it does get bad he just holds his head and it's not pretty. Seems like we should just camp out at the hospital with Sam this year.

Jeremy and girlies left right after dinner with ELle sick and crying. Even the Otter Pop didn't make it all better. She kept sticking her whole hand in her mouth so my bet is either a nasty sore throat or molars. It's so hard when they can't tell you and they are in such pain. It breaks my heart.

I'm getting ready to snug in with Jane:)It's been a LONG week...real estate calls started the end of last week and I've been so popular this week that the market MUST be turning around. I didn't get home Saturday till almost 5pm and I started at 9am!!
You know I HATE to leave dirty dishes until morning...but I'm gonna, and I'm gonna hope the ELVES surprise me and have them done in the morning.You never COULD happen.XXOOXXOOXXOOXX

Austin, e-mail me again, my computer crashed this week and I lost all of my addresses so I need you to send it to me again.

GrandDad says he'll come after the 19th when he gets his dental bridge for his lower mouth. We'll see. Olive hasn't answered her phone all week so I have no idea if she's coming along.

It just keeps snowing and's breath taking. I can't remember a winter like this one for years. I was showing condo's in PRovo last week and the snow plows had plowed the extra snow in these deep gullies off the side of the city street that I didn't know existed and I had to be pulled out...even with my 4 wheel drive...( I'm sure my clients were super impressed). The resorts are running out of places to put there extra snow...I'm going to make a snow baby this week. And I'm going to cut out my new fall quilt. And I'm going to go get Fannie Flag's book that everyone keeps talking about and have a good read inbetween mother chauffering and work stops. And I'm going to keep thinking about YOU. And make daydream plans for when we can be together and what fun we'll have.


Michele said...

I did log onto your photobucket account I had to show a girl here at work how cute Michael is and she agreed with me....she is single and also speaks german, and not to mention a very cute righteous girl. Sam is in our prayers let me know how it all turns out.

kristen said...

well thanks for the plug natalie! :) Michael is looking handsomer than ever. I'll have to log on to photobucket for the rest of 'em....

vie said...

p.s. how do we get to megan tenney's blog? it sounds fabulous and i love fabulous. i wanna see.