Tuesday, January 15, 2008


The CAT SCAN came back only showing a palyp that has grown in his sinus that is quite sizable. THANK HEAVENS Jeremy is a doctor...he was able to pull up the scan on his computer and agree with the diagnosis. The palyp needs to be checked out, but the headaches are from a nasty concussion and he is banned from all physical activity for the next two weeks as it aggravates the healing of the bruised brain and gives him the horrible headaches that make him throw up. There. Finally.We know. NOW...any takers on trying to keep Sam down? He just goes until his head about bursts off. THANK YOU for those of you who prayed. I had a few phone calls today and THANK YOU for those as well. A worried mom just can't be thought of enough.


KellyandJax said...

That's is GREAT Natalie!! I have been praying for you and fasted for you as well. Did Josh tell ya I called?

I hope you take a GREAT BIG nap today and sleep good now that all is well.

Tell Sam we love him.

Aunt Kelly!

P.S. We are supposed to get snow tomorrow (17th). Jax is most excited!!

Michele said...

That is great, and I know how hard it is too keep them down. I called last night and talked to Sam, he said he's fine just has a big nasal cavity, that makes him breathe loud! See Mom no big deal, just loud breathing! Glad all is good.