Friday, August 22, 2008


Dear Friends,
I cannot stop giggling over the SEVERAL e-mails and few blog comments I have gotten over my visit to the Buddhist Group. I am not even sure what to say exactly except THANK YOU FOR LOVING ME and CARING about my Salvation.
As you know, Ilike to THINK about things for myself and try them on and see how they make me feel. I LIKE to KNOW about things and how they work. I love people and love to watch and see how things work for them. I would especially like to know about ME.
These are the things I know about me so far for sure:
1. I am a daughter of my Heavenly Father, and He LOVES ME, and I love him.
2. There is a plan for this life. There is too much evidence in the world that I can see that indicates that there is a PLAN for this life...I know there is a plan.
3. I know the plan revolves around our agency---in each person being able to choose their own course ---AND being able to course correct if we want.
4. I know that the plan is based on our learning to LOVE AND ACCEPT each other in the realness of our own selves and with a BODY. I believe/know that when any spiritual commandment is broken it is because we have loved someone less...and if we really LOVE them then we will apologize and make it better.
5. I know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, as was Buddah and Martin Luther and Ghandi and Joseph Smith. I believe that Jesus Christ had a specific mission to fufill here on earth, to be the Savior of the World, making it possible for course correction and teaching us how to have the blessing of HAPPINESS while on this earth life journey. I believe we EACH have a mission that in some way is responsible for helping to touch the lives and courses of OTHERS. I am in awe of Buddah---of ANYONE who could so deliberately shut out the world and personal desires to listen to the Spirit, then devote their life to seeking and finding THEIR way to God. In my 45 years I just see that there are SO MANY WAYS to LOVE. I want to be a QUEEN of I am watching and listening and trying out a few courses that have proven successful to others in learning to focus on TRUTH and LOVE. I want to BE LOVE. But it doesn't take very long into each day before I get distracted and begin to be less than I hoped.
With that poorly said, I have not left Mormonism, or Christianity. I AM having a mid life crisis which seems to be revolving around the need for MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF LOVE AND ACCEPTANCE in my life. I'd pass around a sign up sheet so you could take a designated turn in helping me pass through it....but the other thing I know is that whenever I have crisis it's just God wanting me to TURN in some new direction. CAUTION: Woman Turning.


Gene and Sheri Family said...

Be STILL and know that I of my favorite scriptures....sounds like the meditating could certainly help with that....LOVE YOU!! :)

Jeremi said...

Girl you do an outstanding job of loving, I see it in many shapes and forms through you! Keep it up!! And thank you for pointing out that we are all children of God and he LOVES us ALL!!!!!!!!!!

Jamie and Julie said...

Well, I wasn't too worried about your meditation experience. We love you and your family. Hope you're having a great day.