Friday, February 20, 2009

Lots of STUFF--Happy STUFF going on...

The Sandberg girls came to play with me again this afternoon...we made peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies...Myra must have seen them coming in because she came too and brought her friend from school was ALOT of GIRLS for our house!!!! I couldn't catch a chicken for them so when Dad got home he braved the mud and yuck and then once he had it, they changed their mind and didn't want to hold it anymore :)

I'm doing a Primary Sharing time on helping our families to keep our homes in ORDER...I'm taking pictures of some of the kids rooms messy and then cleaned up and letting the other kids guess whose room is whose...this is Jens Petersons and he is DANG proud!!! Thought it might bring you a smile Josh!

This picture is Of Mike J (in the red) at the OPEN HOUSE of his new REHAB facility. This picture could never depict what this day meant to me....It may not look like much...but a little over a year ago Mike sat in my Office at Reality Executives---he was also doing real estate then, and we had a heart to heart on what we REALLY wanted to DO with our lives...I said I couldn't figure it out...I just wanted to make money loving people...and he said he wanted to open a REHAB center to give back....ANYWAY....Meant the world to me and truly inspired me to KEEP trying to figure out WHAT it is I want....MIke MADE HIS DREAM COME True...

The last picture is of the Shrugs I made for the girls who came to the PGHS Sweethearts dance last week not in dress code. For ALL of our sakes, I pray they will never be used...that no poor girl will have to be horrified in front of her date and told she can't go in with out one.... The PTA is keeping them in storage and bringing them out for all the dances. My heart is split on this one.

I had SUCH a LOVELY Day today...I got dressed to run in the sun and am STILL in my work out clothes without ever having worked out (10:34 pm)...I ended up making a gazillion calls for donations for the Baseball Banquet Fundraiser tomorrow night and ended up with over $1,000 in donations. We place the items in "baskets" to be auctioned off at a silent auction as well as a LIVE auction. My absolute BIG SCORE was TWO half day snowmobile rentals at Daniel's Summitt...I just wish I would win the auction on them!!!! I've put a $45 Carrabas gift certificate with it. Anyway...that's all the stuff on the couch. Doesn't look like much, but most of them are in gift certificates. SOOOoooo...going around being Santa, getting a BUZZ everytime someone said they'd LOVE to donate, putting them all together---and then having the "GIRLFRIENDS" come to PLAY ...such a nice, nice, nice, nice day.

Missing you Josh. Michael came home for a minute today to get the Trifle bowl and brownie mixes for some dessert he's making with a date tonight. Sam is out with the Orem boys. Spencer is with Stephen seeing some movie called TAKEN. Megan and Kylie are sitting her stalking men on facebook. Dad is heading to bed.

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