Saturday, December 26, 2009

GrandDad Update

GrandDad went to Marion Fischer's family Christmas Dinner yesterday--she is his nearest neighbor in the Trailer house to the East(?) (headed back towards Wingham.) Anyway. He was ticked at Olive for not coming back to be with him. Of course Olive invited him to go with her to her family but he just keeps telling her how he doesn't want anything to do with her family because they are a bunch of alcoholics who married DP's (still not sure WHAT a DP is...but guessing its better we don't know.) It would be best if people who live in glass houses didn't throw rocks--but when you are almost 90 and not thinking so straight I guess we just look the other way. Olive is STILL our angel and I'm just so dang proud of her that she went to her family for Christmas anyway and left him to figure it out. Pretty thankful for Marion as well.
His Vegas plans fell through since he can't make the arrangements his self...a true relief. I will be going up in March to give him a surprise birthday party for his 90th...anybody want to go with me?

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