Monday, January 11, 2010

Letter FROM Josh 11 January 2010

Dear Family,

this week was really good. zone conference went really well. we do zone conference in two sessions, the first session is trainings from the zone leaders president and his wife and the assistants along with the testimony's of any elder that is new or leaving (we had two leaving and two new this time). the second session is the assistants and sister Taylor discussing the problems in the mission/zone and how we can fix them. the second session was 3 hours too long. we got through all of the problems in a half hour. the next three hours sister Taylor spent talking about personal hygiene and cleanliness. and it was all stupid basic stuff like "when you wash your hands, be sure to use soap." the first part was really good though. i also read about Greg's zone conference and was very impressed by Shauna, its good to know that he is doing well.
Mike, i do know Candice Shaia, not very well, but i know who she is. I'm a bit surprised, mostly because i didn't think i would know the people you date, but i approve.
the rest of the week was good too. most of the people are home from holiday so that helped alot, plus i got my comp to work more and complain less, so that was great. then on Saturday we had exchanges with the assistants and they went really well. we had a strange number of people stop us and ask us questions (generally starting with "what school are you from; they all think we are school boys because everybody here has to wear a uniform, even most colleges do) but there was this one lady named Georgina that stopped us and then she came to church yesterday and LOVED it and realized that one of her neighbors is a member and had already read through the word of wisdom pamphlet we left with her and gave up tea (at least for that morning because that was the first time she was going to have it, but its an awesome start). You dont find people like her often. she is going to be a power house, i am so excited for her.
those were the highlights from the week. it was much better than the last few. transfers are coming up too. this is the last week. plans aren't final yet, but the assistants told me that i will most likely leave and go to Nairobi. it will be good to leave the heat and to get a change, but i will miss the people here too. i am more excited than sad though, at least until i get there.
i hope you all have a great week. best of luck to everybody with school and work and finding jobs and dating and whatever else. do something crazy for me.
Elder Harris

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