Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thursday 28 OCT 2009

Our day started in "Miss Harris' " class...made me laugh to hear them call Megs that!! Soledad and Josefa are going to think all we DO is pumpkins stuff in October!!! This morning Megan had her floral design class do arrangements in pumpkins and we made them too. Her students were adorable. Their arrangements were adorable...and MEGAN was adorable!! I want to take the boys and Don to see her in action. She has put her take charge personality to great use.
We went to both Mall's...YES...I DID...I went IN a MALL and there is a picture to prove it!(well, I went in ONE, the other I sat in the car and talked to GrandDad). Josefa found more amazing deals--here we are ending the season they are starting so it was perfect for her. I think her schooling maybe should have been in fashion, she really has an eye for putting things together. My heart sank as I looked around to see SO FEW people in the Mall...I was surprised at the parking lots of both Mall's, and then I went in...must be like Real Estate...the news keeps saying how much better things are getting, but just ask any realtor how its going...or go to the Mall!!! I found out Soledad LOVES Subway. We came home and the girlies showed up and as you can see, even though it was only 36 degrees out, they all had a soak...look at all that GIRL stuff (pinks and purples!!!) on MY back porch...yep...Heaven has come to me!!!

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