Tuesday, October 27, 2009

DAY 2...

One day I'll learn how to get my pictures in ORDER on this thing!
We had a GOOD GOOD GOOD second day with TONS of new words for both of us! Anna and Lauren Allphin and Hannah Sanders came to help us make the Halloween Dinner we served their families later that night...we taught Soledad the deliciousness of licking the bowl and the real reason whipped cream comes in a can :) !!!! Thanks to Lauren we now have a new pumkin face technique of scraping the rind gently off to make it look like it is glowing...see how cool?
Julie Sanders brought the darling skeleton veggie tray! We were so sad Jamie didn't make it due to work stuff. We have the BEST neighbors!!! We can't wait for Soledad to meet ALL of them...we are going to introduce her to a few at a time so as not to overwhelm her! We'll enroll her in school Wednesday when her body has recovered from the jet lag and gotten on our time.
Soledad LOVES animals and watched 2 movies--both with dogs in it.
Josefa went with Michael and his friends to a dinner and concert to benefit a Pleasant Grove girl with brain cancer. We want Josefa to stay TOO!
We ended our day my favorite way...with a soak in the hot tub!
I have to admit though, that the HILIGHT of my day was being able to LIVE CHAT with Josh!!! I about came out of my chair when I saw the little thing pop up while I was working!!! Good thing he couldn't see the tears! Not as good as holding him, but I was SO GRATEFUL to have him communicating with me at the SAME time. Think of how miraculous that is...me in UTAH and him in Africa LIVE CHATTING! I love the world we live in!!! Although...He is still washing his clothes out of a bucket (wish we could modernize things for him there) and it is the rainy season so they are soaked ALOT of the time. They don't carry umbrellas because it is one of the few ways people will let them in--because they feel sorry for them.He sounded happy and busy. IT MADE MY WEEK!!!!

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