Friday, November 18, 2011


 So....I'm at the REC CENTER running my circles super late (9:45), I was thinking about Christmas and the kids....when living  BARBIE gets on the track ahead of me.  Literally. I would have taken a pic of her if I had had a camera. My phone doesn't have and SD card so it wouldn't let me. After I got over being so taken with how much she looked my first Barbie (it was my 4th Christmas) My mind went to how much I loved that blue case she came in. How much I loved dressing her in the "gowns" as my mom would call them. There was a special compartment to stand her up in so she stayed in place when you closed it. I remember wanting to have a special case for ME that I could put my self in so I could stay safe. Funny what you remember. I remember my hair was turning color from Blonde to brown and I wanted it to stay blonde like hers. Today, over 40 years later, I ran extra hard after seeing her, cuz I'd still like my body to look like hers. Crazy fun to be able to go to the net and SEE the picture of MY BARBIE and the case!

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