Friday, February 8, 2008


Today is one of those days that could be the beginning of a marker business deal in my life. The meeting is at 3:30 pm. I believe in prayer. I believe that prayer is one sure fire way to channel our best energy to others. If you are not too busy right now...I'd really appreciate some concentrated postive happy success filled energy in my behalf for my 3:30 meeting today. And while you're at it...Don has a pretty critical one at 2:30. Yesterday Kristen shared her Biology notes from college that read "Energy cannot be created or destroyed--only channeled and transferred." I just keep thinking about how much more I really want to understand about the process. I know when you smile at me I can feel the energy change in ME deep down. I know there are certain people that the energy I feel with them is amazing, and others when I can't remember who they are or how I know them that I can remember the feelings, the energy from them. ANYWAY. I know it's real. I'll keep sending my best energy to you and hope that you'll send yours my way...3:30 today OK?

1 comment:

Miss Megan said...

Lots of positive thoughts coming your way! Love you, girl!