Monday, February 22, 2010

Chile--All GOOD things must come to an end...

We headed back to Santiago for the last 2 days...FINALLY we got to eat at Solita's favorite restaurant called TIPPY TOP, where the family's favorite dish is this RAW HAMBURGER and they "kill" the bacteria by dousing it with lemon juice (I'm not convinced). I did try it..a bite..but no thanks. Honestly it didn't taste bad, but I couldn't get past my brain and the idea of it. This first picture is Michaela...beautiful huh? Poor girl..she's had to live her whole life that beautiful. WHAT would THAT be like?
Carlos' sister and husband joined us for dinner one of the last nights. I had long heard of her sweetness ---she was a secretary for them when they were at Word Perfect.
Our last day, Carlos made Don's dream come true and took us to the SHeraton (I know, right?) Don wanted me to see it really bad since that is where he always stayed ALL of those times when I wouldn't go with him (usually because I had a nursing baby or was pregnant!!). And then ironically, I found a bracelet I loved (I'm not a jewelry girl) in the gift shop there with Lapiz on one side and several other native Chilean stones on the other...Don was a happy camper to get me that remembrance:) But we flat wore Carlos out...when we were done seeing the Sheraton he had fallen asleep in the lobby chair. He is a true friend!
The pictures of Carlos with his "babies" will melt your heart...he has his own fan club!!
Preston...the storage containers were for you...always thinking of you! I also wanted to remember the fruit stands that seemed to be everywhere and teeming with fruit and vegies--we went at the perfect time!

1 comment:

MontelloOffGrid said...

thanks for the pic Natalie. you made me smile! going to Montello tomorrow. will think of you there too! Have a great week.