Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 3

So...I told you how there wasn't much sun...well, Sunday, about 1pm, the sun came out just for me! I ran inside and put on my swimsuit and flopped down on the chaise lounger outside with IPOD in my ears and this most delicioussss breeze...
for about a 1/2 hour, but I SWEAR, no longer than 40 minutes. And darned if I didn't fry my sweet hide. And I mean, like FRIED. This picture doesn't do it justice (my nose is scarier than the burn in this) but you should have seen the deepening red that came with each hour and day. The good news is that it was only on my front. The other good news is the JOY it brought me to be out there with so much skin. I have a new resolution for 2010...more sun on more skin. I have been SO CAREFUL ever since my skin cancer surgery on my nose that I really think its been about 10 years since I didn't have my arms and head and face covered when the sun was out. I just sweated through all that clothing when gardening. Enough is enough. It was glorious. Probably WHY I burned so good so fast. But most of the gross peeling has past now and I am on to planning my secluded sunbathing spot in the back yard for the coming spring. Nudists only. Don is now rolling his eyes, but I am STILL smiling and STILL planning.
The baby donkeys melted your hearts...they kept them close to the Mama and Daddy donkey's who were available for rent to ride down to the beach. I LOVED that they put binkies around each of their necks!
The desserts were Kuchen? German...we got a raspberry one for Don and the next day I got to try the NUT one...new love, new recipe search...I will share when I find the best one. The flowers were plentious...I almost fainted at these hydrangas--even though they hard already turned...can you BELIEVE that show? And this tulip? flower tree....oh, I like Chile VERY MUCH. I think I need to have a garden here. Now the fish market was part of a much bigger craft market...but it made me SO appreciate my frozen Talapia, halibut and salmon fillets that Costco so loving provides me all cleaned up and NOT SMELLY. Love you Costco.
And then this is the ever loving, kind, but especially beautiful and SKINNY Soledad, who YES, wakes up just looking like that. I know. And she doesn't run. And she eats. And she is just so easy to be with. I love her anyway.

1 comment:

Miss Megan said...

Love the pictures! *Jealous* and seriously, what kind of tree is that?! Gorgeous.