Saturday, May 29, 2010

Josh and Michael

Just in case you DO get to see your e-mail today Josh, I wanted to get the week mostly posted. It will be weird to have your PDAY's on Saturday's now. Michael is on a 5 day tour and is not reachable by phone. I love you BOTH!!! We missed you like crazy at Graduation. Life is still at what feels like break neck speed around here. They didn't dig the pool yesterday because Lindon City still hasn't issued the permit. I was a little relieved with all that has been going on...I want all the BIG BOYS to be rested and "helping" as they tear into the sprinkler system, etc. Crossing my fingers for early this next week. Gary Hoglund will be our LUCKY is that??? Gary will make SURE everything is done PERFECTLY. I am such a blessed woman!!!
Sunday we'll head out to the cemetery to put the flowers on the graves for Memorial Day. I love that Memorial Day has come so close to GrandDad's leaving. My mind can hardly process everything that has happened this month. Seems like life is on fast forward. I am grateful school is out so hopefully now I can get into a routine. As much as I tire of routine, my spirit actually LIKES them I've decided.
Sam will start summer ball next week. Spencer is praying the weather will work itself into some kind of SPRING if not summer so he can golf. Megs is same ole, same ole...same as Dad.
I love you both SO MUCH!!!!! I am eager to hear of your adventures and new loves. Happy WEEK!!!

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