Monday, May 31, 2010

Love me a HOLIDAY

We started the morning with a 2 hour bike ride up the canyon and back while the boys golfed. My usual morning Hot Tub soak. Headed to the Cemetery. Then to lunch at California Pizza Kitchen where I had my most favorite avocado egg rolls and Thai Crunch Salad(food can really make or break a day for me!), followed by the Movie ROBIN HOOD ( I really liked it even with all the violence?) then off to find Sam a new 1st base glove and success. Topped off by All You CAN EAT wings at Winger's for the boys....I feel rich today. So satisfied. So content. The beauty of the canyon with my Ipod singing to me, the smell of the air, the breeze, even the snow on the mountains. Everything just seemed SO BEAUTIFUL and SO RIGHT in my world. So right inside of me.

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