Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hat Day for Red Ribbon Week

Soledad and Carlos...Red Ribbon Week is a week each year at school where they focus on teaching the children to JUST SAY NO TO DRUGS and smoking and anything else that might harm your body. Each day they have a different theme the kids participate in to remind them of their commitment to love themselves and their bodies. Today was HAT DAY...Sole has it on Sideways to be funny. Below is the BLOG that her teacher has for their class...where parents can go to check the homework they are doing and what is expected, thought you might like to check it out.

Josh...Danaan Clark was married today. The heavens gave him one of the most beautiful Autumn Days I'v ever lived. He is four days younger than Michael. My children are adults now. How weird is that??? No wonder I'm going to make some yummy treat.....
Tonight is Survivor and Grey's...I really really like Thursday night. And Skype. And my IPOD especially when I have a new book on it. And running with Sara. And a clean house. And Kori's mom coming for Thanksgiving bringing lots of her amazing food. AND I like Joe Vitale as long as I am being random--he fills me with HOPE. And hey...WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU KNEW YOU COULDN'T FAIL???? Something to think about.

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