Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sunday Night at the Harris'

Megan showed up with her male posse...Andy, Dane, Lad and Jake (shaved his facial hair, has a baby face now)---they make for ALOT of happy talk and play. Sam got back from Vegas in the middle of dinner. Mike Cooper---who we LOVE, and have loved since before he was even born-- ended up eating over too. Sole might have been a little overwhelmed...but at least 3 of them spoke Spanish!
The Primary Program today was one of the best ever. I love our kids. They are ALL my favorite. I wish I could video many sweet parts. I did sharing time when it was over...I taught them the song "Family Night" and then we played HOT and COLD/loud and soft using that song as whole classes would go out while we hid one of the dollhouse family members, and then have to come in and find it. Their reward was being able to choose ANY teacher they wanted (I called them ahead of time and had them bring pictures of when they were young in the families they grew up in) and the teacher would tell something cool or a story or memory of THEIR interesting where we come from and who we are. I think we all loved it. Of course we ended with TREATS...yep...great day in Primary. I think Sole really liked her is ALL girls and mostly the girls on our street...AND her teacher doesn't have any kids of her own --spoiling them GOOD.
Josh, HOW ARE YOU???? I've had funky feelings again this week...but I keep telling myself its because you hit the year mark. I am mailing your Christmas package Tuesday morning so if you think of ANYTHING, please let me know...
I love you. I hope the coolest of the cool breezes find their way to you...especially at night. I hope EVERYTHING GOOD for you. See you in my dreams...

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