Thursday, November 19, 2009


It all started as I was trying to get AHOLD of my eating self...when I got inspired...I like inspired...last night I LOVED inspired!!!
My facebook call out:

Natalie Broadhurst Harris ANYONE who loves Pioneer Woman the way I do and is wanting to try EVERY recipe in her book...CALLING ALL YA'LL!!!! How about a DINNER at my house and we each make something different so we can try it all and so I can then start my new diet in PEACE!!!!! Don't worry...I plan on it being HEAVY on the desserts!!! Just leave your name here or call me. I am hoping to do it later next week?

Need I say more? Other than THANK YOU SWEET AMAZING FRIENDS for a great night. Thanks Megan for the table flowers. Thank you God for taste and food and smell and fire and fun!!!!!!!!!! And the diet...after Thanksgiving maybe????

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